Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Bod

So I’ve fallen off the fitness bandwagon and decided it’s time to get back on. I was doing so well eating healthy, running, and working out… and then… well, not sure what happened really, but I stopped! Now it’s summer time and it’s time to get back into the swing of things, it’s never too late right?

The only problem is now it is WAY too hot to run outside, and I really HATE going to the gym after work because it’s just so crowded. I’ve decided I’m going to start working out at home.. why not!  So I think I’m going to splurge and order the Insanity Workout from Beachbody!  Not sure what I’m getting myself into with this one.. I’ve heard it’s super intense.
After watching this little clip of it online, I’m pretty scared…

While I was checking out the website I came across some other cool gear I may need too! I’ve always wanted a heart rate monitor just so I can see if I’m reaching my target heart rate and that my workout is actually effective. Judging by the looks of this Insanity video, I really don’t think I’ll have an issue reaching my target heart rate though!  I’m also definitely going to be purchasing a stability ball . Not like I’m going to want to do my own ab workouts on top of doing the Insanity workout, but I think I’m going to try swapping out my chair at work for the stability ball for some extra core work!

I’m so excited to get these new products and start my new health kick! Now all I need is some new Lululemon workout clothes. Can you tell I’m addicted to shopping?! Hopefully Steve doesn’t kill me when he finds out about all the stuff I’m buying! :)