Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Yesterday I wanted to experiment with some recipes from Pinterest so I tried this no bake oatmeal cookie. The recipe was very simple and it was all things that I already had in my house which made it even easier. 

What you'll need
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 stick butter 
- 3 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 3 cups oatmeal (old fashioned rolled oats, not instant)

What to do

Mix the sugar, butter, cocoa, and milk in a medium saucepan.
Boil for 1 minute.
Add the peanut butter and vanilla. 
Mix quickly until peanut butter melts, then add the oatmeal and mix til well blended.

Drop spoonfuls on tin foil, wax paper or parchment. Allow to set and cool completely.

Makes 2 dozen 3 inch cookies.

They were delish! I even froze some for when my friends come next week. 

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