Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eggplant Parm

This is Steves FAVORITE recipe. I love cooking on Sundays while watching football because it makes the whole house smell amazing and its so relaxing. This is one of the more time consuming recipes so I had to get started as soon as we got back from church. You could use a good jar sauce but I prefer to make my own. I'll put my sauce recipe up another time but for now here is a great recipe for eggplant parm. It's a healthier version because I bake the eggplant instead of frying it (Nanny taught me that) but I need to give credit to my grandma Marie for the rest of the recipe. Isn't she the cutest? LOVE HER! 
Grandma Marie! 

What you'll need 
- Medium sized eggplant
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups breadcrumbs
- olive oil 
- Fresh mozzarella
- Parmesan cheese 
- Marinara Sauce

What to do

Have your marinara sauce warmed and ready!
First you need to slice the eggplant in slices about 1/2 thick. Then have a bowl with the 2 eggs (scrambled) and another bowl ready with the breadcrumbs. Also spray down a baking sheet with cooking spray so you have a place to put the eggplant once they are breaded  
Dip the eggplant in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs and place on the baking sheet. 
Then bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes flipping them halfway or bake until each side has been lightly browned. Once they come out of the oven its time to layer them. 
First spread a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of the pan. I used a glass pyrex dish but you can also use a throw away pan it makes cleanup much easier. I usually use the throw away tins if I make this for a large group of people. 

Anyway, first put down a thin layer of sauce, then place a piece of eggplant put a little more sauce on top of the eggplant then a thin slice of mozzarella top with more sauce and then repeat this entire process until you run out of eggplant. Top with parmesan cheese. I usually stack mine two eggplant slices high. 

Here's what it looks like before it goes into the oven- nice and sloppy and delicious! Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the eggplant is cooked through.

Then serve over pasta or with a salad and enjoy! I made garlic buttered asparagus and italian bread and some pasta for Steve with mine. Good Luck!

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