Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Where it all began...

My first blog post ever! I've never done the blog thing before but how hard could it be? Im obsessed with Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest so why not throw one more social media into the mix! Heres a picture of Buster and I when we first crossed the state line into TEXAS! Where it all began, our new life 13,000 miles from home. We packed our life into a million little boxes and rented a POD- its like a moving truck they drop off at your house and you fill it up and they come back and pick it up and take it to your destination so you dont have to drive a moving truck across the country. 

We left West Virginia in a BLIZZARD and when we got to Texas it was 75 degrees and beautiful. It was quite the adventure anyone who hasn't driven across the country probably should there's so many things to see! 
We had to find pet friendly hotels along the way and Steve insisted on moving all our house plants from West Virginia to Texas (which I thought was a ridiculous request) we had 9 plants total. Just picture two people walking through the lobby of a hotel 4 times back and forth, each time coming in with a different set of plants in our hands. I wish I took a picture but I do have a picture of a very scared Buster on his first elevator ride ever.. Poor baby  
But after following Steve across the country with walkie talkies (yes steve insisted we each have a walkie-talkie so we can easily communicate from my car to his) we FINALLY made it to our new HOME! We slept on the couch for 2 weeks and ordered takeout until the pod finally arrived with our stuff- I had never been so excited to sleep in a bed before. We are loving Texas and couldn't be happier. Well maybe if my friends and family were a little closer but other than that life in Texas is amazing! The weather is beautiful and we met some great friends down here. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really good Chel! And pretty funny :) I want to start a nutrition and fitness blog to add to my web page I could definitely use some help the last time I blogged was in my English class and I forgot how I created it. Can' t wait to read more!!!
