My Story

Hey Guys!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Chelsey and I am a twenty-something originally from New Jersey. I went to West Virginia University for the best five years of my life! GO MOUNTAINEERS! I studied Advertising and Business and met my amazing boyfriend Steve (the handsome man in my pictures) and the best friends a girl could ask for.

 Steve is a petroleum geologist so after he finished his masters at WVU we made the cross country move from West Virginia to the great state of Texas! We moved here in January 2012 with our hilarious golden retriever Buster and havent looked back. Things have been crazy this year but I couldn't imagine going through it with anyone else, we're not perfect but we're learning and figuring out life together. 

I love to cook and eat ALOT so on this blog you'll find a lot of my cooking and a little of everything else. I like to craft and go running. I hang out with Buster all day and do freelance marketing and graphic design from home. 

1 comment:

  1. YAYY your so cute!! can't wait to follow you and try your recipes =)
