Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wine Tasting

So Steve and I have been trying to come up with some new fun ideas for a date night. One idea that we came up with was wine tasting. I’ve only done it once when I was 21 and I didn’t really like wine back then so I think this might be fun because I will have more of an appreciation for it (that’s what Steve tells me). 

We were doing some research to find a nice vineyard near us and we came across Grape Creek. My cousin went there one time and said it was absolutely GORGEOUS! She also said that we can take a tour of the vineyard which I think would be so fun to do!

So ever since we decided to go wine tasting, I’ve been totally obsessing with finding out everything I can about wine so I can pretend to be an expert. I think I’ve been to every wine blog and website out there. One blog that I really enjoy reading is 1 Wine Dude. He talks about different vineyards and types of wine. It’s getting me really excited!

I also checked out Bloomberg’s wine news to see if there is anything new out there that I should know about. They have a ton of great information and helpful wine reviews. So far, I am definitely still an amateur. Maybe after our trip, I will actually know what I’m talking about….somewhat :)

I will be sure to post pictures after our trek out to Fredericksburg!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Top 7 to-dos for summer time!

Here are the top seven to-do’s for summer time as well as a few ways to have fun!

1. Enjoy the pool & invite friends over: Even if it isn’t used that holiday weekend, it is still nice to sit by the pool and enjoy a cocktail and have a BBQ with family and friends.

2. Get the garden going: While late May and early June is the perfect time frame for setting up your garden, you can still do it in July! Make sure you turn the soil and look into what plants will thrive best in your area. If you aren’t sure, consult the staff at your local garden center. To help plant growth along, try starting with small plants instead of seeds. The website Urban Farmer is a great website for planting and gardening advance and buying.

3. Birthday parties: If anyone is going to plan a birthday party, the summer is the time to do it! Unlike winter birthdays, you get to enjoy the weather and sunshine outside when having a summer birthday party. Birthday parties in the summer mean lawn games, BBQs, and swimming in the pool.

 4. “Non-summer birthday” party: While everyone loves to have a birthday party, the best time to have a party is in the summer. So why not plan a “non-summer birthday” party? If your birthday is December 15th, have a “half year party” June 15th! If you are going to have a birthday party, you need to go all out with birthday cake, favors, party hats, and treat bags. Think about how much you loved going to birthday parties as a child and go all out. By doing so, both the kids and the adults will have a great time!

5. Camp out…in the backyard:You can roast marshmallows, tell funny stories and just enjoy time with your friends.

6. Go to a public farm: There are lots of farms that are open to the public, so check out one! Many farm owners enjoy showing off their farms and teaching the public about what they do on a day-to-day basis. You can all learn how to milk a cow, collect eggs from a chicken, and feed goats. Local Farms can help you find a farm in your area.

Have a great summer!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Bod

So I’ve fallen off the fitness bandwagon and decided it’s time to get back on. I was doing so well eating healthy, running, and working out… and then… well, not sure what happened really, but I stopped! Now it’s summer time and it’s time to get back into the swing of things, it’s never too late right?

The only problem is now it is WAY too hot to run outside, and I really HATE going to the gym after work because it’s just so crowded. I’ve decided I’m going to start working out at home.. why not!  So I think I’m going to splurge and order the Insanity Workout from Beachbody!  Not sure what I’m getting myself into with this one.. I’ve heard it’s super intense.
After watching this little clip of it online, I’m pretty scared…

While I was checking out the website I came across some other cool gear I may need too! I’ve always wanted a heart rate monitor just so I can see if I’m reaching my target heart rate and that my workout is actually effective. Judging by the looks of this Insanity video, I really don’t think I’ll have an issue reaching my target heart rate though!  I’m also definitely going to be purchasing a stability ball . Not like I’m going to want to do my own ab workouts on top of doing the Insanity workout, but I think I’m going to try swapping out my chair at work for the stability ball for some extra core work!

I’m so excited to get these new products and start my new health kick! Now all I need is some new Lululemon workout clothes. Can you tell I’m addicted to shopping?! Hopefully Steve doesn’t kill me when he finds out about all the stuff I’m buying! :) 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Planning a baby shower!

So a week ago I found out one of my friends from my old job is going to be having a little boy! How exciting! Since she had moved to Texas from the Northeast just like I did, she doesn’t really have any family here, so I offered to throw the baby shower. I’m pretty excited to throw my first baby shower.
 I still have a while to go but I started thinking of some ideas…

I know the whole mustache trend is starting to get old, but I honestly think it’s adorable for a baby shower theme! What do you guys think?